Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the Biostar-Q Biofeedback Device? |
The Biostar-Q is a biofeedback device utilizing biocybernetics technology based on the patents and technologies of experimental physicist Nikola Tesla. The Biostar-Q quickly scans the morphogenetic energy fields of a client or DNA sample, and then determines where the stressors are and creates a 100% natural remedy that communicates and stimulates the immune system to self-balance. | |
Q: What is Quantum Biofeedback? |
Biofeedback is a mind-body technique that helps teach patients how to influence they autonomic nervous systems - the part of the body that controls involuntary physical functions such as blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension and brainwave frequency. A person can thus monitor his or her internal responses and develop a sense of how to move them in positive ways. Biofeedback devices can detect internal bodily functions with sensitivity and precision and allow involuntary physical functions to be translated in ways that can be understood. | |
Q. How does the Biostar-Q work? |
Biostar-Q works exclusively with the person's immune system. Our immune system exists to protect us from all kinds of illnesses, even against body cells that have degenerated, and which can eventually turn into tumors and carcinoma. Why is it that we humans - despite continual improvements in diet and medical care and a more comfortable lifestyle - are forced to battle against ever more illnesses and degenerative conditions? We are constantly being told that our immune system is "weak", and that we should strengthen it with commercially available products etc. In our experience, an immune system is disturbed when, for example, it is exposed to electromagnetic fields, magnetic fields, chemicals, pesticides/herbicides, hormones, geopathic stress, radiation or other negative environmental influences. The immune system becomes like a blindfolded boxer: strong, but blind! Biostar-Q restores its sight. | |
Q. How does the Biostar-Q address physical issues? |
The Biostar-Q addresses them from a multi-layered approach: energetic, mental, emotional and physical. To affect the physical aspect of a cell, you must first address the morphogenetic field surrounding the cell. To re-pattern and reprogram the morphogenetic field surrounding a cell, organ, functional system or body, the energetic-mental-emotional-physical components must be addressed simultaneously. | |
Q. What are the possible benefits of receiving Biostar-Q sessions? |
1. Reduced stress and nervousness
2. Improved sleep and dream recall
3. Enhanced mental clarity, memory and focus
4. Reduced depression and addictions
5. Improved health conditions 6. Enhanced muscle mobility and coordination
7. Reduced aging process caused by stress
8. Reduction of electrosmog accumulation
Q. How many sessions will a person need? |
Each session is equivalent to peeling the layers of an onion until you reach the core issue. Obviously, each person is different, but it has been discovered that it takes approximately 6 sessions at two-week intervals (3 months total) for the body to move into a greater state of balance. Sometimes it may take more sessions depending upon the level of imbalance in the body. Normally, it takes the immune system two weeks to assimilate and actualize the new balancing information. For people with more acute and chronic problems, weekly sessions are suggested. | |
Q. What does the Q-water and Q-card do? |
The combination of the q-water and q-card introduces specific balancing information needed for the immune system to address the stressors and imbalances within the bio-energetic fields of the body. The balancing remedy (isotonic water) is the primary carrier of the scalar wave information being introduced to the body since we are made up of at least 70% water. The q-card is specifically designed to neutralize and protect our bio-energetic fields from disharmonic frequencies including electrosmog, geopathic stress and radiation stemming from environmental influences. Both are optimal for stabilizing and balancing the bio-energetic fields of your body from the environment. | |
Q. How are the Q-Water and Q-Card created? |
At the core of the Biostar-Q technology is scalar-wave information programming and storage. Through Biostar-Q's proprietary technology, "information" in the form of scalar waves is programmed into the balancing remedy (isotonic water) that serves as the primary carrier for the balancing information. This same process is utilized to create the q-card. | |
Q. How does the Q-Water and Q-Card work? |
Since we are composed of at least 70% water, one of the most efficient ways to introduce information into the biological system is via isotonic water (q-water) which has the same constituent as blood plasma. Once the q-water is imprinted with the balancing information, the person takes the balancing remedy orally. The q-card's high-density magnetic stripe is structurally modified to receive and store imprinted information. When the balancing information is imprinted into the q-card, the information is vibrationally stored until the q-card is reprogrammed with new balancing information. Once imprinted, the q-card transmits the balancing information energy pattern into the person, who becomes the "reader" of the information. The q-card has a variety of positive effects, depending on the specific use. |
Q: What are "scalar waves"? |
A scalar wave is can also be described as a quantum harmonic, a standing wave array that radiates out of a static point of sound-light vibration within the Morphogenetic Field of the Greater Cosmic Unified Field of consciousness (energy). While scalar waves appear to move from place to place, they are like the vibrations of light and sound, sequentially threaded together within the cosmic fabric of the morphogenetic field. The expression of the scalar wave movement is created through the sequential “flashing on” (light) and “flashing off” (sound) of scalar wave points, which emanate the effect of a flashing linear series of light bulbs. Imagine viewing an electronic advert billboard in Times Square, New York City. Although it appears as if the contents of the electronic billboard is moving, in reality it is the row of a synchronized series of flashing light bulbs that appears as if the light moves from one point in the row to another. |
Q. How do scalar waves differ from electromagnetic (EM) waves? |
Scalar waves represent static points of eternal fission-fusion that radiate from the fabric of the morphogenetic field and do not travel. Electromagnetic waves on the other hand, do travel and the farther the distance traveled, the weaker they become. Professor Konstantin Meyl of Germany has written numerous books about scalar waves and described how EM fields form scalar waves. He described how electromagnetic waves (EM) and scalar waves (longitudinal waves) both should be represented in wave equations. For comparison, transverse EM waves are best used for broadcast transmissions like television, while longitudinal scalar waves are better for one-to-one communication systems like cell phones. | |
Q. What are "morphogenetic" fields? |
Morphogenetic Fields are composed of conscious sound and light matrices (or lattices) that function as cosmic blueprints upon which consciousness manifests and materializes into matter. All forms of consciousness and matter hold a morphogenetic (form-holding) imprint consisting of crystalline, electro-tonal energetic substance arranged in specific frequency patterns. This includes cosmic, galactic, solar system, planetary and human bodies. Morphogenetic Fields are also known as Scalar Fields consisting of interwoven patterns of consciousness that express and form Vertical Scalar Waves. For example, when someone physically loses their arm or leg, sometimes they can still feel it there and this is known as feeling their "phantom" limb. They are feeling the morphogenetic energy field of their lost limb. | |
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